Kindred Kids
While children of any age are welcome to participate with the adults, we currently offer free childcare with age appropriate spiritual formation for children 6 months – Kindergarten. Children 1st – 5th grade are invited to join Elementary Bible Time during the sermon where they are guided through a Bible story, discussion, and activity before rejoining their families for communion.
We offer free childcare during worship for children 6 months – kindergarten. If you check your child into childcare at our Kindred Kids area, know that safety and security are our top priorities. We use a secure sign-in/sign-out process to keep your child safe and a minimum of two CPR certified, fully vaccinated, masked, and ‘Safe Sanctuary‘ trained adults to supervise each group of children at all times.
We’ve designed our Kindred Kids area to be safe, clean, secure, and fun. Your child will have a great time playing with toys, blocks, books, and more. During worship, children in our childcare space are invited to participate in an age-appropriate worship experience that gets them singing, talking, and learning about God. Each child is sent home with materials telling parents what they learned. If at any time you’re needed, we’ll give you a call on your cell phone and you can be at the kids area in seconds.
Here’s a sneak-peek the childcare experience:
- Our volunteer team greets children and families with big smiles and open hearts as they arrive! At the check-in table, you’ll sign your child in providing essential details for safe child care like preferred name, a family contact number, and any allergies.
- After check-in, children will head to our play space filled with opportunities for fun, creative play with the guidance of caring child care workers.
- As ‘big church’ (aka grown-up worship) begins just across the hall, children in childcare take a break from free play to engage in a weekly worship curriculum called Celebrate Wonder. During this 15-minute lesson, children sing songs, listen to a bible story and engage in an interactive activity related to the story.
- Then it’s back to play, until a little later when a volunteer will come serve Communion to the children. (Your child can be opted out of this at check-in if you prefer.)
- After that, children continue to play until you pick them up after worship.
Thanks for allowing us to spend time with your little one while you worship!
All elementary aged children are invited to join our Elementary Bible Time that takes place during part of our worship service. After the congregational music, Psalm reading, and prayer time, children will move to the Elementary Kindred Kids area just outside the worship space to receive engaging Bible teaching, thoughtful group discussion, and a fun activity. The children will rejoin the worship service in time to receive Communion with their families. During the summer months, Elementary Bible Time meets once a month. Weekly Elementary Bible Time will resume at the end of August.
About once a quarter (and sometimes more frequently), we host special events for children and families. These include: Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Kick Off, Blessing of the Backpacks, Christmas and Cocoa, and more.
We also sponsor intergenerational mission projects and we often invite older children to take on leadership roles within the Kindred worship service as well. These are just a few of the ways we integrate children into the mission of Kindred Church.
To stay up to date on these events and activities throughout the year, subscribe to Kindred’s newsletter below and we’ll keep you in the loop.
Jesus shows radical hospitality to children. He also lifts up their natural sense of wonder and curiosity as examples for Christians of all ages to follow. The mission of Kindred Kids is to mirror Jesus’ hospitality for children and to facilitate their spiritual growth.
In everything we do, our goals are that:
- Families feel our care for them through the environment we create, our trustworthy manner, and kindness.
- Every child experiences the love of God in the way they are welcomed, cared for, and taught about God in age appropriate ways.
- Every family and child feels valued.
Other Helpful Info
To learn more about upcoming Kindred Kids Events, subscribe to our weekly newsletter, The Latest from Kindred. If you have questions or just want more info about our Kindred Kids ministry, reach out to our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Bonnie Morrison, and she’ll be happy to chat!
We hope to see you and your child very soon!

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